Пресепсин спинномозговой жидкости – маркер нозокомиальных инфекций ЦНС
Nosocomial CNS infection (NI-CNS) is a common and serious complication in neurocritical care patients. Timely, accurate diagnosis of NI-CNS is crucial, yet current infection markers lack specificity and/or sensitivity. Presepsin (PSP) is a novel biomarker of macrophage activation. Its utility in NI-CNS has not been explored. We first determined the normal range of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) PSP in a control group without brain injury
before collecting data on CSF PSP levels in neurocritical care patients. Samples were analyzed in four groups defined by systemic and neurological infection status.
Nosocomial CNS infection (NI-CNS) is a common and serious complication in neurocritical care patients. Timely, accurate diagnosis of NI-CNS is crucial, yet current infection markers lack specificity and/or sensitivity. Presepsin (PSP) is a novel biomarker of macrophage activation. Its utility in NI-CNS has not been explored. We first determined the normal range of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) PSP in a control group without brain injury
before collecting data on CSF PSP levels in neurocritical care patients. Samples were analyzed in four groups defined by systemic and neurological infection status.